Massage Therapist, Reflexologist & Yoga Practitioner
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Appointment onlyIn today’s hectic world, where technology and modern life disrupts much of our everyday lives, it’s easy to lose our connection with nature. However, as we become increasingly isolated from nature, we can experience a decline in our mental, physical, and emotional health. The solution is to reconnect with nature and take an integrated approach to health.
Connecting with nature is about adopting an integrated approach to wellness. Natural health includes physical activity, nutritious diet, mental health, and spiritual well-being.
We can live a more balanced and fulfilled life by following nature’s rhythms, valuing sustainability, mindfulness, and well-being over following fads or artificial answers.
The technique of ‘earthing’, or walking barefoot on grass, soil or sand, is known to lower inflammation, enhance sleep quality and increase vitality. The grounding impact also helps to neutralise free radicals, reduce stress, and boost overall health that when our bodies come into close contact with the Earth.
I have found beautiful organic bed sheets made by Rowland Earthing. They are a small UK based company specialising in grounding products and are well worth checking out. Click here
Being surrounded in nature does not require an extensive voyage into the outdoors. Here are some simple ways to bring nature’s healing influence into your daily routine.
There is little doubt that spending time outside provides physical benefits. Studies have shown that outdoor activities such as yoga, walking, hiking, and even gardening improve cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, and promote immunological function.